Home / aseptic tomato paste / Wholesale purchase of Aseptic tomato paste from Africa

Wholesale purchase of Aseptic tomato paste from Africa


What should be done to Wholesale purchase of Aseptic tomato paste from Africa? Do you know the best producer of tomato paste directly? Stay with us to get to know this supplier of tomato paste.

Wholesale purchase of aseptic tomato paste
Wholesale purchase of aseptic tomato paste

Wholesale purchase of aseptic tomato paste

  • What type of rabbi is more popular? The concentration or brix of tomato paste is the main factor that determines the price of the product. In this context, you should choose the concentration of the paste according to the price and the target community in the country. In Iran, tomato paste usually has a concentration between 26 and 30%
  • Paste is an important seasoning for preparing food, which is produced in a traditional and industrial way today. In the preparation of aseptic tomato paste, fleshy and red tomatoes are used, because this paste has a high concentration and gives a good design, color and taste to foods. Pastes have a long shelf life because they are stored in sealed packages. Distributors distribute the paste in domestic and foreign markets so that it is easily available to consumers.
  • People who always like red and colorful foods can easily satisfy their needs by buying aseptic tomato paste. Bulk purchase is a good option for consumers because it involves less cost. Because of the high quality and reasonable price of septic pastes, people are more willing to buy them.
    This organic product has glass and metal packages that people buy individually or in bulk based on their consumption. Major purchases are always made through special centers where you can experience an economical purchase by visiting them.
  • The sites that are designed today are able to offer the product in bulk and in high volume, so you can order this product anywhere in the country and have it delivered to any address you have registered. It brings more prosperity to the market.

Direct sale of tomato paste

  1. The pastes differ from each other in the type of packaging. One of these types of packaging is aseptic packaging. Aseptic paste refers to paste that is used in bulk and for export abroad. These pastes are packed in big blue barrels.
  2. Today, aseptic paste has found a lot of demand inside the country, and the reason is that aseptic pastes are specially packaged. Chemicals and preservatives are not used in the production process of this paste. The paste is produced completely naturally.
    The tomatoes used in this paste are completely healthy and one of the best tomatoes. The packaging process of this paste is also different from other pastes. These pastes are packed in such a way that no air enters the paste barrels and also the paste is packed in a completely sterile and disinfected environment. These barrels are designed in such a way that they prevent any air from entering them.
  3. Also, these barrels have the ability to adjust the temperature and regulate the air inside and prevent the paste from overheating or freezing. For this reason, the use of preservatives in these pastes is no longer necessary. The body of these barrels is very strong and strong and they are resistant to any impact.


Wholesale purchase of aseptic tomato paste
Wholesale purchase of aseptic tomato paste

Production of high quality tomato paste

  • There are many factors in the process of tomato paste production that affect the price of tomato paste, and we will mention a few here, and we ask you to accompany us to the end of this article. The type of packaging of tomato paste is very effective in price and will also affect its volume, so that the packaging may be in the form of glass or can, which will have two different prices, but it is the same in terms of quality.
  • When buying the product, pay attention to the date of production, and the body of the metal cannot be sunken or damaged. A quality paste has a clear color and is odorless, and will not have mold. For a paste to be of good quality, completely healthy tomatoes must be used, because if crushed and rotten tomatoes are used, it will cause the color of the paste to become dull and stink.
OUR PHONE: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
WhatsApp: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
OUR ADDRESS: Molana St ,Sadra Town, Shiraz City, Fars Province, Iran

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