Home / aseptic tomato paste / Tomato paste trading company aseptic brix 36-38

Tomato paste trading company aseptic brix 36-38


Our Tomato paste trading company aseptic brix 36-38 is one of the best producers of tomato paste in Europe. Which is caused in terms of quality and reasonable price; To attract the attention of many applicants outside and inside the continent. Tomato paste always has standard packaging. And it is produced by the factory in different weights.

Tomato paste trading company

The best Tomato paste trading company in Europe

  • Tomato paste packages include 800 g, 600 g, 4 kg and bulk paste in aseptic.
  • Among the trading companies in tomato paste, we can mention Aymaz tomato paste.
  • Our Tomato paste trading company and brand is one of the best producers of tomato paste in the market. Which also sells tomato paste online and in person.
    For easy shopping, you can also proceed through our site.

Benefits of Tomato Paste in General

  • Tomato paste is one of the main condiments of our European food. Which is used in almost 90% of foods. This main condiment always has high benefits and nutritional value.
  • Because tomatoes contain a pigment and antioxidant called lycopene, they protect cells from harmful agents.
    The effect of tomatoes on the prostate is almost certain.
  • Also tomato paste is sunscreen but how? Consuming tomato paste can protect you from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Lycopene in tomato paste is considered to be the main cause of this positive effect.
  • Tomato paste is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants. Which fights harmful free radicals in our body that cause cancer.
    The fiber in tomato paste regulates the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood.
  • Folic acid in tomatoes is a factor in eliminating stressors and causing depression.
  • Vitamin A in this spice protects us from poor eyesight and blindness and improves our vision.
    Tomato paste contains potassium, which is a vasodilator. And lowers blood pressure in the arteries and veins.
    This spice also helps prevent gallstones due to the presence of a number of vitamins, minerals and proteins in it.
  •  Potassium and iron in this paste help our body function properly, potassium strengthens nerve health. And iron helps blood circulation.
  • Tomato paste is obtained directly from the tomato fruit itself, which is why it contains high amounts of antioxidants; Antioxidants are substances that prevent harmful free radicals from entering the body’s cells. As a result, they greatly reduce the risk of various cancers, especially cancers of the stomach, prostate, intestines, liver and breast.
  • In addition, with large amounts of vitamins C and E, they remove old, worn or dead cells from various organs of the body. And replace them with younger cells; As a result, the incidence of genetic errors and mutations is greatly reduced; Premature aging is also prevented, both of which are risk factors for cancer in most people. By removing them, the probability of getting the mentioned disease can be easily reduced to zero.
Tomato paste trading company

Special sale of Aseptic tomato paste Brix 36-38

  • Tomato paste is sold both wholesale and retail. In bulk sales, it has a more reasonable price due to the large number of sales.
  • The bulk sale of tomato paste is also done in two ways. You can also buy tomato paste through our store site, or visit our dealerships throughout Europe. But with the spread of the corona virus, we suggest you buy online.
  • To purchase, just enter the site by entering our web address in your browser. And after reading the necessary information about the paste, register your order.
    Even if you have any questions, you can contact our experienced consultant. Join us to experience the best.
OUR PHONE: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
WhatsApp: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
OUR ADDRESS: Molana St ,Sadra Town, Shiraz City, Fars Province, Iran

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