Home / tomato paste / Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste in the World

Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste in the World


Which company offers the Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste in the World? In general, the production of tomato paste is done by two mechanisms, hot-breaking and cold-breaking. Which we will examine in the following.

Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste

Differences between the mechanisms of hot-tomato and cold-breaking tomato paste

  • In general, the production of tomato paste is done by two mechanisms, hot-breaking and cold-breaking. The main difference between the two mechanisms is the amount of temperature applied in the preheating process. The required temperature of the preheater is 65 to 70 degrees Celsius for the cold-breaking mechanism and 90 to 98 degrees Celsius for the hot-breaking mechanism.
  • Temperatures above 90 ° C inactivate the enzyme pectin. Which will ultimately lead to greater product consistency. Therefore, the hot break mechanism is generally suitable for items such as tomato paste, which has a higher viscosity. The cold-breaking mechanism is commonly used to produce products such as tomato concentrate, which has a lower viscosity. The product obtained by the cold-breaking mechanism, due to the activity of the pectin enzyme, retains more of the true flavor of the tomato, however, it has less consistency than non-enzyme products such as paste.
  • The preheater is used for pre-cooking operations in the tomato paste production line. Both hot-break and cold-break processes can be performed by this device. In the hot break process, a temperature of 90 to 95 degrees Celsius is applied to the tomatoes. Which loosens the tomato texture and produces a paste product with a higher viscosity. In the hot break process, to prevent the paste from burning and blackening, the bubbles in the tomato juice are removed from the preheater by a device called a vacuum tank. In the cold break method, the preheating is done with a lower temperature than the hot break. The usual temperature in the cold break method is between 75 and 80 degrees Celsius. And due to the low heat in this method, vacuuming is not necessary to create a vacuum.
  • Hot break as its name implies. In this method, tomatoes are pre-cooked with a temperature between 95-90 degrees. This causes a complete loosening of the tomato tissue. Therefore, when filtering, some of the fruit or tomato tissue is separated along with its juice (it is said that its viscosity is higher), which naturally produces a paste with a higher viscosity. Due to the fact that tomatoes should be pre-cooked at a higher temperature. Therefore, it should be noted that at this temperature we may suffer burns, so the burn agent should be removed or reduced from the system. This operation is done with a vacuum tank (made of stainless steel) to reduce the bubbles in the chopped tomatoes. The hot-break heating system, like most indirect heat exchangers in the food industry, is of the shell & tube type. Due to the fact that the converter is of shell & tube type. Therefore, an all-steel centrifugal pump is used to generate the flow. Due to the above, hot breakers are usually relatively more expensive than other types.
  • Cold break, as the name implies, preheating in this method is done at a lower temperature than the previous method (hot break) (at a temperature of 75 degrees). Therefore, due to the low pre-cooking temperature, there is little need for a vacuum system to prevent burns. Also, due to the low temperature of pre-heating operation, tomato tissues did not pass through the strainer. As a result, tomato juice and the obtained paste have a lower viscosity. Like other converters in the food industry, cold break cookers are in shell & tube, but in series. Because less material is used in 4 of the 7 cold breakers. Therefore, their price is much cheaper than hot break.
Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste

Cheapest Cold Break Tomato Paste

Join us to get the price of cheapest Cold Break tomato paste. First of all, we will mention the reasons for the difference in the price of cold break tomato paste compared to hot break:

  • As the name implies, preheating in this method is done at a lower temperature than the previous method (hot break) (at a temperature of 75 degrees). Therefore, due to the low pre-cooking temperature, there is little need for a vacuum system to prevent burns.
  • Also, due to the low temperature of pre-heating operation, tomato tissues did not pass through the strainer. As a result, tomato juice and the obtained paste have a lower viscosity. Like other converters in the food industry, cold break cookers are in shell & tube, but in series. Because less material is used in 4 of the 7 cold breakers. Therefore, their price is much cheaper than hot break.
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