You must consider important things to purchase tin tomato paste from Iran. Buy directly from top tomato paste suppliers and producers.
And know the best and cheapest brands produced in Asia and in Iranian cities such as Tehran, Mashhad, Shiraz, Isfahan.

Characteristics of quality tomato paste in Tehran
Asia is one of the continents that has many consumer countries besides tomato producing countries.
And Iran is one of those countries Of course, most manufacturers of this product live in Tehran. But in other Iranian cities like Mashhad and Shiraz there are large tomato paste factories.
Most of these manufacturers offer high quality tomato paste as well as high concentration. But here are the features that make a quality paste:
- Organic Raw Materials
- Do not use unauthorized substances
- non use unripe tomatoes
- free apply edible color
- Don’t add some vegetables like pumpkin
But this product also has a lot of therapeutic properties, some of which are:
- Tomato paste protects the skin from the effects of UV radiation and prevents skin damage.
- Lycopene, one of the antioxidants found in this product, greatly reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
- This antioxidant, a family of vitamin A, greatly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
- One of the useful ingredients in tomato paste is fiber, which is recommended for consumption of about 2 grams daily.
Although fiber is not digested, it has many health benefits. Fiber in tomato paste improves digestive activity and reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
In general, fiber has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

purchase tin tomato paste cheap
If you’re a great businessman Or you’re in the business of starting a new business. purchase tinned tomato paste cheap is one of your wishes?
you’re one of the major broadcasters in the food industry This question may have come to you.
In this section, we will provide you with some tips on how to buy tomato paste from Iran:
- You must first determine the type of packaging Because this is effective in pricing.
- And the next step is how effective your order or order is The higher the level. You get special discounts for shopping

Online sale of tomato paste in Iran
But one of the best ways to buy and sell a variety of food industries, including tomato paste from Iran and other Asian countries such as China.
Selling online through tomato paste sites is the best way This will save you less money and time.

Export of tomato paste from Iran to all over the world
As you know, Iran is one of the largest tomato producing countries in the world and Asia. And there are leading suppliers and manufacturers in the country.
using advanced machines, they convert large volumes of tomatoes into tomato paste. tin packaging is one of the most used designs in this product.
exporting from Iran to all African, European and even American countries is possible Like the following countries:
- Oman
- Nigeria
- Financial
- Benin
- Tunisia
- California
- Turkey
- India
- Spain
- Russia
- Argentina
- Uzbekistan
- Emirates