Sale Cold break tomato paste aseptic brix 36.38 from factory door are done by us. Cheap tomato paste is one of the most widely used condiments in cooking, which gives a unique taste to food. Wholesale cheap quality tomato paste is made by reputable sellers of this product. That customers get a lot of this product at a cheaper price than partial sales. And the wholesale of this product is going on all over the country. Which has made it easy for customers to access it.

Production of delicious tomato paste Aseptic Brix 36.38
- Production of tomato paste by cold break method is also one of the methods of preparing this product in the industry.
In the production of tomato paste, two methods are used in industry. The main difference between these methods is the amount of heat. Which is used in the concentration stage. In the cold break method, the maximum temperature used in tomato paste is 75 degrees. And since this paste does not tolerate much heat, there is no need for a vacuum system to prevent burns. The price of the devices used in this method is cheaper than the other example, the hot break. - Tomato is one of the most important crops. And the main product is tomato paste. Due to the increasing demand for this product in Iran and the world, it seems necessary to study the effective factors in improving the properties of tomato paste. Therefore, in this study, the effect of thermal process on the rheological properties of tomato paste was prepared. Hot crushing (hot break) and cold crushing (cold break) have been investigated. The results of the experiments showed that the models of power law and Cason compared to the models of Herschel Balkley and Bingham Plastic, respectively. Provide a better fit for the rheological behavior of the hot break paste and the power and casson law models for the cold break paste, respectively. Both the stability coefficient and the yield stress of tomato paste increased with increasing brix and decreased with increasing temperature.
- With a little study about tomato paste and its benefits, you will realize the positive effects of this product on the digestive system. The positive effect that originates from the presence of antioxidants in this product. The presence of some beneficial bacteria in tomato paste causes. To strengthen the gut of the consumer. It will have a great effect on the mood of the consumer. The result will be freshness in daily life, but the presence of these beneficial bacteria is due to the additives in the factory tomato paste, ie homemade pastes that are usually produced by housewives using non-standard tomatoes. They may. Do not have the properties of corporate tomato paste.

Sale cold break tomato paste from the factory door
- We sale cold break tomato paste from the factory door. Aymaz Food Production Factory has been serving the people with more than 50 years of brilliant experience in the food production industry. To be able to offer products with high quality to consumers. Our tomato paste factory has made efforts to interact with the living conditions of the people. And the result of this effort is the production of quality tomato paste with 3 different volumes. Dear buyers, you can choose any of the products according to your financial conditions. Our company’s pastes in 3 sizes of 1070 grams, 690 grams, and 500 grams have been provided to hypermarkets and stores in the city. In order to be easily available to you, dear consumers, in order to comply with health protocols and prevent unnecessary visits to stores, consumers can, by visiting reputable sites selling cooking products, provide their own paste in any amount. To.
- The top store selling cheap tomato paste is always trying. Provide customers with products that are made from the best tomatoes available, the production method is completely principled. And be fully observed in all stages of health production. Also, a top seller uses direct and online methods to sell their products. To bring benefits to its customers.
In a direct way, it should be said that in this case, because there is no intermediary between the producer and the buyer of tomato paste. In addition to preventing profiteers and brokers from making a profit, the purchase price will be much more convenient and cheaper for buyers. The direct method is also very popular today. Makes it easier for customers to shop.