Home / Drum Tomato paste / Supplier of 200 liter drum tomato paste in Iraq

Supplier of 200 liter drum tomato paste in Iraq

Who is the top Supplier of 200 liter drum tomato paste in Iraq Ask our experienced expert for the best bulk tomato paste distribution centers.


Supplier of 200 liter tomato paste

  • Who is the best supplier of Drum Tomato Paste? Well, of course, the best producer should be able to make an ideal paste. Now, the question may come to you that what qualities should a good paste have? Here are some of them:
    The paste should be tasty and colorful, which means that first-class raw materials must have been used in its preparation
    It must have durability. This means that no other additives should be used in its preparation. So as not to cause mold.
  • It should be prepared from ripe and healthy tomatoes. To taste good.
    Tomatoes should be organic and natural
    Must use sterilizing devices. Until the resulting paste is healthy.
    Use standard salt levels. So as not to be harmful to people’s health.
    So if a supplier complies with these. Prepares and supplies the best paste. Which is often ordered in the drum type of 200 liters.

Who is suitable for using bulk tomato paste?

  1. Tomato paste can be considered the main seasoning for various foods. And it can even be said that it is an international spice. Because it is known all over the world. It is also used in most traditional foods of any country. In addition to taste, it also gives color to food. It even causes the concentration of foods. For this reason, it can be considered a unique additive with many applications. On the other hand, it is also used to prepare various sauces. All of this makes it possible for almost everyone to have paste in their food basket on a daily basis. That is why its consumption has increased. Here are the people who can buy the paste in bulk:
  2. Ordinary people who consume a lot
    Tomato paste traders
    Wholesalers and bankers paste
    Food distributors
    Chefs of great restaurants


Bulk tomato paste distribution centers

  • But now you may be wondering where are the best distribution centers for this type of paste? Or you want to buy bulk paste from reputable stores. Well, as we mentioned, there are many manufacturers in the market. And you have every right to be obsessed with buying a quality product. Because this product is directly related to people’s health. And you, as an importer or even a distributor of food, are responsible for people’s health. Therefore, in this section, we will introduce you to some reputable wholesale centers:
  • Department stores
    Manufacturers’ Agencies
    Online sites for tomato paste
    But note that all of these must be directly related to the factory.

Manufacturer of Tomato Paste Brix 30-28

  1. As you know, brix means the degree of concentration of the paste. The higher the percentage, the thicker the paste. And usually bricks 30-28 have the highest amount of orders from customers. Most packaging factories buy this type of product. And store the brand they want in their own packaging. And market and make available to consumers and retailers.
  2. But the main manufacturer sometimes transfers the paste to the packaging department of its factory after this stage. And there it is sent to the world market with smaller packages. Most of the time, it enters the market in bulk. And delivers to its customers. For this reason, the main producer must produce a quality product. And sometimes smaller factories add other ingredients, such as vegetables, to their purchased aseptic paste. Then they pack and market.
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OUR ADDRESS: Molana St ,Sadra Town, Shiraz City, Fars Province, Iran

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