Home / Buy Tomato Paste / Factors determining the price tomato paste Brix grade in Monaco

Factors determining the price tomato paste Brix grade in Monaco


Do you know the Factors determining the price tomato paste Brix grade in Monaco? Monaco businessmen can contact our experienced sales expert to buy standard and quality tomato paste.

Factors determining the price tomato paste

Buy Brix grade tomato paste in Monaco

  • Monaco is one of the small countries of Europe. Which is located in the heart of Europe. And in this beautiful country, local food is prepared using tomato paste. For this reason, many food wholesalers are active in this field. The prices of their products are different based on Brix. We will explain about BRICS in the following:
    The most important process to be done in the production of tomato paste is the process of concentration, and this process is directly related to tomato brix. The higher the number of tomato brix, the less concentration it will need to paste. Since the concentrating process in tomato paste factories requires very high costs, it can be concluded that the higher the degree of tomato brix, the more it will be necessary to spend to become tomato paste.
  • Although the degree of tomato brix can vary depending on the tomato cultivar used as the raw material for the paste, but assuming that the average degree of tomato brix is ​​5.5, the amount needed to concentrate can be estimated. For example, if the production of tomato paste with Brix 33 is to be considered, the tomato with Brix 5.5 must be concentrated 6 times (the result of dividing the number 33 by 5.5) to produce the desired product.


Brix a standard for tomato paste

  1. In simple and fluent words, tomato paste brix means a unit of measurement of the degree of concentration in tomato paste. In scientific and professional terms, brix means the amount and ratio of soluble substances in tomato paste. Of course, this percentage is calculated without salt. Brix is ​​an important criterion and a formal unit for tomato paste. The National Standards Organization uses this measure to grade tomato paste and record its brix value. For example, if your tomato paste is too thick, its brix will be high.
  2. Of course, most of the time, tomato paste brix measurement is not calculated and measured in home-made tomato paste. Homemade tomato paste, especially products that are cooked for personal use and not for sale, is cooked with complete taste and personal interest. For example, you prefer the tomato paste you cook to be very thick and firm. But someone else does not like it and wants to have a thin and gentle tomato paste. For this reason, the amount of brix in homemade tomato paste is completely different and desirable. But in industrial tomato paste, the amount and percentage of product concentration must be accurately recorded and notified to the customer. Brix percentage makes a difference in price and quality of products.
Factors determining the price tomato paste

Factors determining the price tomato paste high brix

  • Every product is measured based on quality factors in order to have a price.
    The quality of tomato paste will be based on Brix. This term indicates the concentration of tomato paste.
    The harder the concentrations, the less they create color and flavor in the food.
    Of course, provided that it is produced only through the paste itself and has no additives.
  • Brix is ​​a measure of the amount of sugar in a solution that depends on the refractive index.
    One degree of brix is ​​equal to one gram of sucrose per 100 grams of solution.
  • The degree of brix represents the weight percentage of solids in a solution to the total weight of the solution, or in other words, the weight percentage of solids in solution.
  • So the higher the solution in Brix, the higher the concentration of solids in that solution: molasses, for example, and the lower the amount of water in the solution. Specific weight (volumetric weight-weight per unit volume) of materials varies at different temperatures.
    Measurements should always be made at a constant temperature to ensure proper comparison and proper use of existing tables for different materials (including molasses).
  • The most accurate way to determine the degree of brix of a solution is to weigh a certain volume of a particular solution (substance).
    In this method, care must be taken to measure volume and weight accurately and accurately at laboratory temperature.
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