Home / tomato paste to African / List of factories producing tomato paste aseptic in Egypt

List of factories producing tomato paste aseptic in Egypt

Our company has prepared the List of factories producing tomato paste aseptic in Egypt. To provide merchants who are looking to buy quality tomato paste. These factories often sell tomato paste directly.

factories producing tomato paste
factories producing tomato paste

Scientific and laboratory factors of tomato proper to paste

Tomato is one of the agricultural products that has different types and varieties. But any type of tomato is not suitable for making paste. And it should be according to the scientific factors that are used in laboratories. And they will find out which tomato paste is more suitable for preparing tomato paste. He used proper tomatoes in the production of these products. In the continuation of this section, we refer to the following laboratory parameters:

  1. WIS, water-soluble solids
  2. TSS, soluble solids
  3. OSP, pectin oxalate solution
  4. WSP, water-soluble pectin
  • Important factors that will affect the color of the final product should be sought in the original material, ie the proper tomato paste used. First, three chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and lycopene agents must be measured to select the primary product for the paste. These three factors are the most important factors that will determine the color of the final tomato paste.
  • A variety of methods are used to select the right tomatoes. Which are divided into two important categories: laboratory selection and taste selection. There are many simulators that can detect the hardness and texture of a tomato.
  • The low water content of tomatoes selected for tomato paste is one of the most important factors that can be considered for tomato paste. The less tomato paste used in the product, the less water there is. In the process of becoming a paste faster, it can create the final product. It will also have more volume.
factories producing tomato paste
factories producing tomato paste

List of factories producing tomato paste

Tomato paste is one of the favorite condiments of most people all over the world. For this reason, a large amount of tomatoes harvested from agricultural fields are turned into paste every year. And this increase in demand will increase the amount of tomato production. Also, factories of tomato products such as ketchup and tomato paste have been established in large numbers. But the quality of tomato paste depends on many parameters. And not all suppliers can afford it. Because some of them do not meet the required standards. And because this product is directly related to the health of people in the community. So you can’t trust all the manufacturers. That’s why we’ve put together a list of quality tomato paste manufacturers.

factories producing tomato paste
factories producing tomato paste

Sell ​​aseptic tomato paste in Egypt

Egypt is one of the leading African countries. Which is at a high level in terms of currency exchange. And that’s why there’s a lot of business going on there. And tomato paste is one of the most popular products. And for this reason, the production and sale of tomato paste is done vertically in Egypt. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for aseptic:

  • As you know, in a very clear and principled way, aseptic shows that the product is sterilized. The aseptic process is actually a completely sterilized range of everything that is in that area. It is safe from any kind of pollution. The aseptic zone should be such that even the environment and space are sterile.
  • As in the section after heat and initial production, the product enters the spatial range. The product is cooled in this range and sprayed inside the filling machine. All piping and pipes in this spatial range must be sterilized. Spastic packaging also consists of sterilized bags. It enters the production process and the product is packaged in them.
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