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Planting organic tomatoes for tomato paste in South Korea

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tomato paste in South Korea

Planting organic tomatoes in Asia

Asian countries like South Korea have a pleasant and fertile climate. For this reason, we will explain the planting of organic tomatoes below. If you live on this continent you can use:

  • Tomatoes originate in parts of Peru and were first domesticated in Mexico and Central America. Initially, it was cultivated as an ornamental plant in Europe and was considered poisonous. It was used in cooking in the late 18th century. It is classified as a fruit, and is the second most famous vegetable in the world. Tomato plant is a shrub that is herbaceous and may reach a height of 1 to 3 meters, in which case it has wooden stems. Tomato flowers are yellow and their size is 1 to 2 cm.
  • The color of tomato cultivars is not only red, but also varied from red, pink and purple, orange, green and yellow. Some fruits are firm and some are hollow, some are bitter or sweet. There are also a variety of tomatoes that differ in leaf shape and fruiting form. 600 digits of it are known in the 1990s in the United States and Canada. Commercial farmers prefer seeds of hybrid cultivars and cultivars with longer storage time. Today’s cultivars have a wide variety of shapes, colors and sizes.
  • Organic farming is a system of agriculture based on farm ecosystem management for the sustainable production of crops without the use of foreign inputs and chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides. In fact, organic farming is agriculture in which the products have no residual toxins. Production methods are used to maintain soil fertility. In this type of cultivation, crop rotation must be maintained and proper tillage and irrigation management must be applied. Organic products are more expensive than non-organic products.
  • To prepare seedlings, a bed with a length and width of 3 in 1 and a depth of 20 cm should be prepared. For planting seedlings, 15 to 20 seedlings are needed for 1 hectare. To prevent diseases, because we can not use fungicides, the substrate soil should be heated before planting to prevent pests and possible diseases. Use 20 to 25 kg of organic matter for seedling production beds. After covering the surface of the culture medium, it should be covered with plastic to raise the temperature of the medium but not lose its moisture. This kills harmful bacteria and insects. The best time to plant tomato seedlings is August to September.
  • The amount of seed required to produce seedlings per hectare is 150 grams per hectare. Planting distance between rows is 20 cm and between seeds is 5 cm. Seed planting depth is 0.5 to 1 cm. After sowing the seeds, a thin layer of soil should be poured on the bed.
  • 20 to 25 day old seedlings are suitable for transfer to the main ground. On the main ground should be suitable with a distance between rows of 60 cm and a distance between plants of 50 cm. Irrigation should be done every 7 to 10 days depending on the climate and soil texture.
  • To have fertile soil, we must use fertilizer regularly to strengthen the soil. Organic fertilizers or compost are used to strengthen the soil. Organic fertilizers can also be used for this purpose. 1 to 1.5 tons of compost or 10 tons of rotten manure per hectare is used. To control tomato pests and diseases, use resistant cultivars and feed the plants well. Soil management, moisture and good soil nutrition can make plants resistant.
tomato paste in South Korea

Prices of tomato paste in South Korea

As you can see, the process of producing organic tomatoes is hard work. So if you want to make tomato paste from organic planting, it has a high cost. That is why the price of tomato paste is different in South Korea. And if it is organic, it has a higher price.

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