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The price of homemade red tomato paste tasty in Africa


Do you know The price of homemade red tomato paste tasty in Africa For more information on how to produce, store and prepare tomatoes and tomato paste, read the full article.

The price of homemade red tomato paste
The price of homemade red tomato paste

The best way to store tomatoes

  • One of the possibilities for choosing the best storage method for tomatoes is the relatively warm temperature of the test medium, which may have affected the tomatoes outside the refrigerator. This explanation seemed logical as we read more about tomatoes. The refrigerator may have slowed down the ripening process of the tomatoes. For this reason, on the first day, the taste of tomatoes in the refrigerator was not as good as the taste of tomatoes outside the refrigerator. But over time, that is likely to improve.
  • Many tips can be found by searching the internet. The best temperature for storing ripe tomatoes is between 6 and 10 degrees Celsius. This temperature is higher than the temperature of the refrigerator but lower than the temperature of most rooms. A French study shows that while four degrees Celsius does more harm to tomato flavor than tomatoes at 20 degrees Celsius, refrigerating tomatoes at 20 degrees Celsius for 24 hours can do some Eliminate the negative effects of the refrigerator on tomatoes.
  • But what this research has not addressed is the effect of higher temperatures on tomato storage. This may not be a problem for growers with access to refrigerated trucks and warehouses, but it will be a nuisance for the home environment, which is unlikely to have a proper ventilation system to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees, and on the other hand, tomatoes in season As summer approaches, the challenge of keeping them in the summer will be greater. And most storage conditions are not at 6 to 10 degrees at home.
  • The conclusion we reached was that the phrase “you should never keep tomatoes in the refrigerator” is not very basic. There are many variables involved. Our best advice is to consider the temperature of your environment, the quality of the tomatoes and how long you want to keep them. Raw or unripe tomatoes can be refrigerated for a short time, but make sure the kitchen temperature is not higher than 21 degrees. They may not be in good condition after two days. And it is better to put them in the refrigerator. Ripe tomatoes can be kept out of the refrigerator for a few hours, on the cabinet, but ultimately the refrigerator is a safer place to store them. They may lose some of their aroma, but they will not spoil before consumption.
The price of homemade red tomato paste
The price of homemade red tomato paste

The price of homemade red tomato paste

  1. If you want to grow tomatoes on your farm. Or even buy from the market and keep for a long time. As mentioned in the previous section. You have to work hard to find the right temperature. So if you want to always have fresh tomatoes in your home and kitchen.
  2. It is better to use its tomato paste. You can visit our site to get the price of homemade red tomato paste. And get help from our sales expert to place an order.
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