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Top supplier tomato paste Brix 36-38% in Senegal

Who is the Top supplier tomato paste Brix 36-38% in Senegal? Do you know the main parameter in determining the price of tomato paste?

Top supplier tomato paste
Top supplier tomato paste

Important parameters in setting up a tomato paste factory

  • Tomato paste or tomato suitable for making paste is one of the most important and perhaps the first priority of setting up a paste factory. After launching the tomato paste production line, the factory needs the tomatoes it needs to produce the paste.
  • In the production of paste, all the ingredients that are used as content in the production of tomato paste. It’s the same with tomatoes, and there’s no other additive. Therefore, choosing the right tomato that has both good price and quality will be a priority for setting up a paste factory.
  • As mentioned above, tomato paste is the name given to a suitable tomato for use in a paste factory. Tomato will be suitable for the paste from which more paste can be obtained.To get more paste from tomatoes, tomato seeds will be very important. Here are some types of tomato paste.
  • Amish paste tomato: This tomato is similar to Roma tomato, but sweeter with a fresher flavor. This tomato can grow up to 224 to 336 grams.
  • Opalka: This Polish tomato is much sweeter than other tomatoes. It is a slightly larger tomato and resembles the shape of peppers and fruits that grow up to 4 to 6 inches.
  • Polish Linguisa: This tomato, as its name implies, is a Polish tomato. In the 1800s, a Polish gardener brought it to New York.Big Mamma: This is a very large plum-shaped fleshy tomato, the Big Mamma tomato grows up to 5 inches long and 3 inches wide.
  • Jerzy Doyle: This tomato is known as a large tomato and is like a banana pepper. This tomato is very juicy and grows to a length of about 12 to 15 cm.
  • Jersey Grit: This tomato is very rare and rare, but if you can find it or plan to grow it, it’s a great option that can yield a lot as well as grow to 10 to 15 inches in size.
Top supplier tomato paste
Top supplier tomato paste

Top supplier tomato paste in Senegal

Senegal is a vast country in Africa with a large population and high consumption of tomato paste. For this reason, many suppliers in this country are engaged in the production of tomato paste.
But do they all offer tomato paste at a reasonable price and high quality? Of course, this is not the case, so we will introduce you to the best supplier of tomato paste in this country. That you can have an optimal and excellent purchase.

Top supplier tomato paste
Top supplier tomato paste

 tomato paste price Brix 36_38%

Tomato paste is priced based on various parameters. But one feature that is always important is the tomato brix. The higher the break, the higher the price of the paste. The highest demand for Brix is ​​36-38%. If you are not familiar with this term, we will explain it below:

  • The tomato paste brix indicates the firmness of the tomato paste. This percentage of concentration indicates this. For example, he poured a few tablespoons of tomato paste into the food and waited for the desired color and aroma. Tomato paste that is made at home is not measured with Brix tomato paste. Because the person who prepared it has used his taste and experience as a criterion. To have a good concentration for your tomato paste.
  • But in the purchase and sale of industrial tomato paste Brix tomato paste is very effective in quality and price. The standard inside the box is twenty-seven to twenty-nine. And below 20 percent is called diluted tomato paste. Brix is ​​one of the main indicators of the quality of tomato paste.
  • The best tomato paste should be measured using the standard Brix methods.
  • To calculate brix, tomato paste should be diluted with water. If twelve percent is a solid, checking the concentration of tomato paste in brix different tomato paste indicates that as the percentage of brix increases, the error in calculating the concentration of tomato paste to The Bostovik style is on the rise.
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