Do you know the Production of original tomato paste aseptic in Austria process? How to buy tomato paste in Vienna?

The process of producing aseptic tomato paste
Receiving tomatoes: Tomatoes in baskets or plastic boxes of approximately 25 kg enter the factory by truck and after weighing are placed on the factory loading platform.
Soaking and washing the tomato preparations: At the place of the loading platform, a pond full of water, the bottom of which is covered with lattice plates, the tomatoes are emptied. The bottom of the pond has a suitable slope that by opening the exit valve, the tomatoes easily flow with water in the relevant channel and during the initial washing, they are boiled towards the production line.
Sorting and washing tomatoes: Tomatoes are passed under water showers for final washing and placed on the sorting strip. Tomatoes are inspected by workers on both sides of the sorting strip as they pass through the sorting roller, and unsuitable and crushed tomatoes or other things such as thorns, debris, wood, etc. that may accompany the tomatoes are among the tomatoes. Are separated.
Chopping tomatoes: Peeled tomatoes enter the shredder after passing under the shower after the final washing. The shredder consists of a series of movable blades and causes the tomatoes to be crushed. The chopped tomatoes enter a tank with a volume of about one cubic meter under the crusher called tank balance.
Initial cooking: The tomatoes chopped by the monopump enter the preheater. Preheater is a horizontal cylindrical device in which steel pipes with a smaller diameter are located and around the steam pipe so that the chopped tomatoes pass through this pipe and reach a temperature of about 90-85 degrees Celsius. Heated in the preheater firstly increases the flow efficiency during the filtration step. Second, the enzyme pactinase is destroyed and as a result, the produced paste has a suitable viscosity. Thirdly, the microbial load is reduced and helps the healing efficiency in the next stages, and due to the disintegration and softening of the tomato tissue, while facilitating the dewatering process, it also reduces the depreciation of the filters.
Filtration: Chopped tomatoes enter the filters after passing through the preheater. These filters are usually two-stage, so that the difference between the different stages is in their mesh diameter. The grid of the first stage is with holes with a diameter of one and the second stage is about 0.7 mm.
Formulated tank or storage tank: After the tomato water filtration stage, it enters the formulated tank or tomato juice storage tank, which is made of steel.
Condensation of tomato juice: Tomato juice in the storage tank enters either by the pump or by the vacuum inside the condensing pot. Tomato juice can be concentrated in one or two or more steps to become the final product. In tomato paste factories, this is usually done in two stages as a batch or in a continuous system (Continuus) and in the form of circulation. However, tomato juice in a concentrated pot under vacuum and indirectly loses contact with the heat of the water to reach the breaking point, ie the desired concentration. Usually at this stage the necessary salt is added to the paste. Concentrating tomato juice under vacuum maintains the quality of dyes and vitamins on the one hand and increases the speed of the place and saves energy on the other hand.
Pasteurization: The tomato paste prepared from the condensing pot is stored in a tank and then heated by the pump to a temperature of about 85 ° C while passing through the pasteurization device, and this action causes microorganisms to be frozen or inactivated.
Filling in cans and lids: Pasteurized tomato paste is immediately inserted into the filling machine and then filled in cans or similar containers at a temperature of 85 degrees. After filling the paste in the can, it is pressed by the can lid closing machine.
Pasteurization or autoclaving of filled cans: After closing the filled can, it is passed through the steam tunnel so that the temperature of the center of the can reaches 90 degrees Celsius and is pasteurized. The residence time of the product at the mentioned temperature depends on the type of packaging container and its size.
Passing the cans under the cold shower: After passing through the steam tunnel, the cans pass under the cold shower so that the temperature of the center of the can is reduced to 40-38 degrees Celsius. The cans are dried after passing under a cold shower under one or two fans.
Labeling and packing: After drying, the cans are labeled and the production date, expiration date, serial and consumer price are stamped on the cans by the printer, and then packed in a carton or sharing pack. Finally, the product is produced and packaged in the warehouse of the local product and after the quarantine period (at least 15 to 20 days) and performing the necessary tests in the laboratory, if the results of the required tests are negative, they can be offered to the consumer market.

Buy original tomato paste in Austria
As you read in the previous section, advanced machines must be used to prepare the original tomato paste. Because they are mechanized. To be able to have a colorful and tasty product. If you trade in Austria. You can contact the sales expert of our branch in Vienna to buy and receive the price.