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Quality Natural Tomato Paste Suppliers

Quality Natural Tomato Paste Suppliers are available. Tomato paste is a condensed extract of tomato. It is used as a food  perfume and perfume enhancer. It consumes a lot of color and taste. Has a steep red color. Flavored Tomato. Transparency is its apparent properties. Its brix is about 28%. It has an acid pH of about 3/4. It adds 3 to 2% salt. Available in bulk and packaged in the market.

The type of packaging is usually of two types. One kilo and one kilo. Tomato paste should be homogeneous. Must be free of mildew. No unwanted particles. No chemical preservatives. It has a pleasant color.

Quality Natural Tomato Paste

Raw tomato for Quality Natural Tomato Paste

Tomatoes should be suitable for the production of paste. It should be coarse and have a thin skin. Should be solid and have soft texture. Content of solids or high bricks. Have a steep red color in the shell and mantle. Have a pleasant taste and smell. Healthy and free of mold and pests. There are no water holes inside it. There are not many cores. Content of Saccharides and Saccharides is high. Acidity low. Resistant to mold growth. When harvest must have arrived. But not too much. To transport tomatoes, smaller dishes are more suitable. To prevent crushing and leaving the tomatoes.

Quality Natural Tomato Paste

Steps for the production of canned tomato paste

1- Wash

Washing procedure to separate. And the removal of mud and soil particles. For this purpose, they soak the product for 4 to 4 minutes. During this operation, the compressed air enters the container, so that the tomatoes rubbed together. And they then suspended in water. This method effectively cleaned up.

After this step, the product is cleaned by rotating curtains. On the way to the next step. Wash clean with clean water sprayed with spray pressure. To reduce the risk of contamination of the wash basin. And contamination eliminated more.

  1. Inspection on tape (sourcing)

At this stage, tomatoes  placed on the conveyor belt. They transferred to the special interrogation bar. And inspected by manpower. Remove damaged and cracked tomatoes. To remove pest inflorescences, prematurely, and plant remains. Blades and other impurities  also removed. Premature tomatoes are kept for a short time. until they are consumed and consumed.

  1. crushing and crushing (pulp)

In this stage, healthy tomatoes are sourced. automatically. It transmitted to a device called Pulper. This device has two jaws. One of them is fixed and the other is animated. Tomatoes are pushed through the jaw. Sliced, crushed. They come in the form of a pulp.

  1. Separation of core and shell (filtration)

Filtered to separate core and shell. And two or three-stage filters are useful to remove other possible impurities. Which is cylindrical. And the diameter of their holes is 1.2-1.6 mm. And sometimes 2mm for the first stage. 0.6-0.8 mm for the second stage. 0.3-0.4 mm for the third stage or (Finisher). Which separates the coarse, medium and fine particles, respectively.

Quality Natural Tomato Paste

Condensation in vacuum for Quality Natural Tomato Paste

To remove excess water, vacuum vaporizers are useful . Using the vacuum system is good. It causes the condensation to be shorter. At a lower temperature. And thus the color and the rest of the appearance of the product will be better preserved. This step carried out in two-way boilers. Which heated by steam vapor pressure. And have a capacity of about 2.5-4.5 tons.
To deliver soluble solids in brine. And to improve the taste. About 2% – 3% of salt is added to the product. Add salt automatically. Sucker pumps are useful to the boiling pot.

One of the natural happenings for this product. It is mouldy. Due to poor storage conditions. So keep it at 4 ° C to keep it from melting. Do not open or close the refrigerator a lot. Do not overload the refrigerator capacity. Avoid placing the infected fruit and greens next to the paste. And be sure to keep the paste in glassware. price Drum Tomato paste 36-38%

OUR PHONE: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
WhatsApp: +989174220960 ( Mr. Moghadam ) Iran
OUR ADDRESS: Molana St ,Sadra Town, Shiraz City, Fars Province, Iran

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