Home / tomato paste in asia / The best supplier of tomato paste in Russia

The best supplier of tomato paste in Russia

Who is The best supplier of tomato paste in Russia? What standards do tomato paste producers in Moscow pay attention to?

tomato paste in Russia

The best supplier of tomatoes for tomato paste in Moscow

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the Asian cities with the best tomato suppliers. We refer to the types of tomatoes for preparing tomato paste:

  • Despite the variety of tomatoes on the market and their great variety, choosing the best tomato seeds for your farm or garden can be challenging. Choose from a variety of tomatoes based on yield potential, quality, market acceptance, compatibility and resistance to or tolerance to diseases.
    Other characteristics to consider include maturity, size, shape, color, strength, quality of transport, and plant growth habit. You can choose different colors: pink, red, yellow, orange, purple and black, blue and other colors such as white, green and even brown.
    There are general criteria for choosing from different types of tomatoes that will answer the questions according to your needs and purpose of planting it, and you can choose the most suitable tomato seed for your needs.

Growing style of tomatoes

  • The final plant size varies in different types of tomatoes. Consider the productivity of different cultivars. The leaf arrangement and flowering form of the plants are very effective in the tomato harvesting mechanism; If you are cultivating on an industrial scale, paying attention to such points is very effective in the economy of your project.
    In tomato harvesting, plants that flower in clusters are more suitable for mechanized harvesting and plants that have crop immaturity are not suitable for mechanized harvesting. If you are buying tomatoes for the garden and on a small area, pay attention to the area you have and the final volume of the plant.

At a glance, two cultivars can be seen in different types of tomatoes

  • Tomato cultivars Larger and cooler coastal, desert or high altitude areas are more suitable; In general, this form of growth is recommended for areas where adverse weather conditions provide a short opportunity to plant tomato seeds.
  • Unknown tomato cultivars: There is another form of tomato in which the crop is larger and more fertile and will continue to grow, flower and supply fruit until frost. Shrubs will need a caretaker due to their high height. This type of growth is more suitable for areas where the growing season is longer due to the favorable climate.
tomato paste in Russia

Production of tomato paste in Russia

Tomato paste is widely produced in Russia. In all these products, standard points about tomatoes are considered. Which we refer to below:

  • Tomatoes, as the raw material for the production of tomato paste, must be of good quality for concentration.
  • The required standard for tomatoes that can be pasteurized must be in accordance with the national standard of the country on the subject of tomatoes.
  • To prepare tomato paste, special types of tomatoes must be used that are sufficiently fleshy and sweet.
  • The higher the tomato brix, the sweeter the tomato and the more suitable it is to make tomato paste. For example, Early Girl tomatoes are very sweet and in some cases Brix grade 13 has been reported for it.
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