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Training Tomato Planting for Tomato Paste Organic in Europe

If you are looking for Training Tomato Planting for Tomato Paste Organic in Europe You can stay with us until the end of this article. and To get acquainted with how to buy natural tomato paste.

Tomato Planting for Tomato Paste

Tomato planting tutorial for tomato paste

In the following, we will teach you how to plant tomatoes for tomato paste:

  • Buy tomato seeds first. You can buy tomato seeds online from our store. Prepare healthy tomato seeds and plan for planting them.
  • In order to plant tomatoes, it is better to add a lot of compost to your garden soil. Tomatoes need a rich planting environment with organic matter. If you can not produce compost, buy compost from Zaraat Yar store that contains granite dust and ash. You will need about 5 to 8 pounds per square foot (25 to 40 kg per square meter) of compost. Add 3 inches (6 to 8 cm) of compost to the soil surface.
  • Before planting French tomato seedlings or seeds in the soil, insert a handful of organic or organic matter or egg shell into a hole at the bottom of the plant. As the roots grow deeper, the roots consume more nutrients to produce larger tomatoes at the right time.
  • Check the pH of the tomato soil. Tomatoes grow in semi-acidic soil. Highly acidic soil destroys plant calcium and leads to blossom-end rot. Keep the soil pH between 6 and 6.8. If your soil test is above 6.8, water the tomatoes with a mixture of equal amounts of cold coffee and water. You can also add mulch like pine needles to the soil. If the pH in the soil test stage is less than 6.0, use dolomite lime or calcium sources such as crushed eggs or calcite.
  • Choose a sunny place to grow tomatoes. Place the tomato plants in full sun. If you live in a colder area, set aside at least 6 hours of sunlight a day for tomatoes. If you live in a hot to hot area, choose a place that has shade in the afternoon.
  • Remember that tomato plants are able to receive full sunlight even in warmer climates. You just have to mulch and irrigate the soil well.
  • During planting, the space between the tomato plants should be 18 to 36 inches (45 to 90 cm). This distance is usually a good space for you to go and water the plants, remove the weeds and harvest the crops. If you live in a hot climate, plant tomatoes 9 to 18 inches (23 to 46 cm) apart. This distance allows the tomatoes to shade each other and prevent them from burning.
  • Plant tomato seedlings deeply. Dip about 50 to 80 percent of the tomato plant in the soil. Compact the soil completely around the roots. Make sure the roots are completely covered. Be sure to trim the lower leaves of the plant and do not bury them. If you bury them in the ground, they will rot.
  • When removing the tomato plant from the pots, tap the bottom of the pot and try to pull out all the roots and soil together. This is important because separating the roots from each other can damage the plant.
Tomato Planting for Tomato Paste

Buy Organic Tomato Paste in Europe

If you live in Europe. It does not matter what country you are from. Everywhere on this continent you need to buy organic tomato paste. And you are looking for the easiest way to buy. You can easily access this product by contacting us.

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